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Russell Alexander Earl Sr. Grand Court
Ladies of the Circle of Perfection

RM Rose Anne Brown
8th Royal Grand Perfect Matron
Welcome! Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Mere words cannot adequately express how deeply I appreciate the trust that has been placed in me as the 8th Royal Grand Perfect Matron of this amazing jurisdiction. Thank You!
As a charter member of Queen of Sheba Court No. 8, I have been blessed to see Ladies of the Circle of Perfection (LOCOP) grow and excel in Florida for more than fifteen (15) years. I really regret missing the first few years of the history of the Russell Alexander Earl Sr. Grand Court. The seven (7) Phenomenal Royal Grand Perfect Matrons who preceded me laid a solid foundation for us to build upon. Now, in these uncertain times, it is more important than ever for us to continue “Growing Together In Love”. Without the members' growing in knowledge and service, LOCOP is just another name.
The awesome Royal Matrons and Companions are our lifeblood. I’ve learned from past experience that consistent training and education will result in a refined and improved membership. I am determined to facilitate continual ritualistic, spiritual, and personal development training. As your Royal Grand Perfect Matron, the elected Grand Line Officers and I are committed to ensuring all members of LOCOP have access to the latest jurisdictional information and updates. By consistently updating our Facebook page with LOCOP news and events from around the state, we can all share the successes of our Sister Courts. Transparency is one of our core values, and I realize the necessity of keeping you fully informed as valued members of this organization. Finally, I understand that in today’s world, travel is fundamental to our personal and Masonic lives, which is why it can’t – and shouldn’t – simply stop. I encourage you to travel, support, fellowship, and get to know your PHAmily. But at all times, remain VIGILANT; Be CAREFUL; be MINDFUL of your surroundings; and always BE SAFE!
Thank you for your continued trust and support! I look forward to visiting each of you during my own travels! Love, Peace, and Blessings to you,
RM Rose Anne Brown-8th Royal Grand Perfect Matron
"Growing Together In Love "
“Growing Together in Love”
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